Marco Reiterlehner

Internship (2024)

“Hi everyone, my name is Marco and I am an 18-year-old student from a higher vocational school for business and environment in Lower-Austria. As I am very interested in aquaponics farming due to its promising and further developable principle, which at least in my opinion is most likely to solve many
upcoming world-wide environmental and sustainable problems, I decided to write my diploma thesis with my friends and classmates David and Marius about aquaponics systems in general. That is why in addition to the successful construction and operation of our own aquaponics system, we also wanted to focus on aquaponics farms around Europe to gain more experience and knowledge about how to run such a business. Therefore, we applied to several aquaponics companies in 12 countries and Amber was one of the first ones who replied with a pleasant and promising response and all three of us immediately realized that we would be in good hands with Ísponica. In retrospect, however, my expectations were even exceeded since Amber gave us a perfect insight into her company as well as the general food situation and the upcoming methods for food production and agriculture in Iceland.

Although I have already completed an internship at another aquaponics company in South Tyrol, Italy, my internship at Ísponica was still very important and helpful for me, as the two aquaponics farms differ both in their plant cultivation methods and in their production size and environment. The internship at Ísponica not only gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of aquaponics for my diploma thesis, but also the chance to meet new inspiring people and experience the very pleasant Icelandic lifestyle. Furthermore, my time in this unique country showed me once again that as a student I definitely want to travel the world a lot in the future and Northern Iceland is one of the first destinations I will return to.”