January 30, 2024 from 12 – 13 GMT
Here is the link to the Facebook event, hosted by the University of Iceland: https://www.facebook.com/events/3758580724378042?ref=newsfeed
Text from the event page is shared on the right.

Einar Mäntylä – CEO, Technology Transfer Office Iceland
Amber Monroe – Owner, Ísponica
Þorbjörg Helga (Tobba) Vigfúsdóttir – CEO, Kara Connect
Today the Icelandic economy is more than just fish and tourism: many knowledge-intensive companies have been founded in the past years in sectors such as green energy, pharmaceuticals and software development. But what does the new knowledge landscape look like, and what employment opportunities does it offer to PhDs? In this event, roundtable experts will give us insight into the exciting, dynamic knowledge economy taking shape in Iceland, identify companies and institutions likely to be interested in PhDs, and explain how PhDs with much education but perhaps less work experience can get in on the action in the new knowledge domain.
Moderator: Toby Erik Wikström, University of Iceland Graduate School
The roundtable will be held in English and is part of the 2023 UI Career Days and the PhD Student Toolbox.
For more information, contact Toby Erik Wikström, Project Manager at the Graduate School (tew@hi.is).