Sigrún Emelía Karlsdóttir

Rannís Student Research Assistant (2023)

For the year 2023, Ísponica and Sveppasmiðja were funded two summer research projects through the Rannís Student Innovation Fund. Sigrún was one of our research assistants.

“”I’m Sigrún Emelía Karlsdóttir, currently pursuing a BSc in Biotechnology at the University of Akureyri. I was fortunate enough to have participated in a unique project where my coworker and I spent the first two months in Borgarnes at Sveppasmiðjan, studying the sustainability of various substrates for mushroom cultivation. We then spent a month at Ísponica, examining the effects of aquaponics on basil plants. The summer of 2023 was one of the best summers of my life. I met amazing people and rediscovered my passion for academia. This experience has been incredibly valuable and has truly transformed the way I approach my studies.”